jetzt isch gnüeg heu dunä! mini hall of shame!! schämed üch!!! bis a bodä abä und no wietär!!!! de tüfäl söl üch holä!!!!! (swiss german)
loom solar: #1 in india for providing very shiti service!
who #
India’s no. 1 solar panel company : Buy solar systems, panels online
Loom Solar Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 14/6
Mathura Road
Sector 27B
+91 8750 778 800
what happend: #
loom solar: good products (?) but lousy customer service!
in august 2021 i ordered a solar panel, a controller and a
battery from the company loom solar, and built a small emergency solar lighting system.
the whole thing worked to our complete satisfaction. as soon as the power fails at night, our house turns blue :)
but already after one (1 !) month the system did not work anymore. i tested everything: the panel continued to produce power during the day, but the controller did not charge the battery anymore.
i contacted loomsolar via email. after 3-4 back-and-forth (incompetent!) emails, loomsolar stopped responding to my emails.
i tried to call a few time the person named in the email, but was thrown off the line!
so i personally went to loomsolar in faridabad (dehli suburbs). they were surprised but friendly :) and the controller and the battery were replaced without any problems.
but when i got home i realized that loomsolar gave me a wrong controller (24 volt instead of 12 volt)!
via email i asked loomsolar if i can still use the controller?
i received a system-generated response that they will give me an answer within 4 business hours.
after 24h i sent another email and after 4d i sended first time an email to loomsolar with a CC to the CEO also. i got response :)
i should send a pic of the received (wrong) controller.
and then in an other email i should send back the controller.
i had to tell loomsolar, that i can't trust them anymore and do not like to pay any more money. so i suggested that loomsolar sends me a correct controller and the money for sending back the wrong one.
a few days later i got a parcel. the parcel was looking ok from outside. but the controller inside was completely dented!
i sended pics from the "new" damaged controller
and asked what to do?
loomsolar answered:
We gone through all the pictures we are also apologized for that because in the transient charge controller got damage but right know first you have to send us the scc then we will ship you the new one we gave the fusion 1012 as a service purpose so this time you have to corporate.
i had to remember them, that i will not pay any paise (small rupees) more to loomsolar and therefore they need to find an other solution.
i also had to tell them:
it CAN NOT BE that "in transient charge controller got damage"!!!! otherwise the the back of the controller case (see arrow at pic [1]) must be damaged also and the yellow led would be smashed!!!! and the parcel does NOT show also that it got damaged in transport (see pics [2]+[3].
then it it was quiet again from loomsolar.
4 days later i sent loomsolar a letter that they have 30d to settle the matter, otherwise i reserve the right to hawk or dispose of the loomsolar junk! i have also informed loomsolar once again that i reserve the right to take legal action against them.
i got an email:
You send your controller's image to our WhatsApp and call us directly when you get time because you didn't pick up the phone when we called you, your complaint will be heard and the solution will also be given. Our contact number is 9354030282.
??? i sended them all the pics by email AND i do not use whatsapp AND i do not like to phone to bharati in generall !!!!
loomsolar seems to use an issue tracker system. after every sent email from them i get another email (sometimes 2) from their system that the issue is "closed"! i already tried to explain to them, that the tracker might be more helpful when set the status from "in progress" to "pending" instead closing it every time.
therefore i assume that the 30d (november 16, 2021) will pass without loomsolar getting in touch. their tracker won't remind them :( TOO BAD!
the website of the company loomsolar makes a good impression (not wondering, it is a canadian online-shop solution). also the products seem to be well processed. there can be errors in the material or even in the processing of a customer request.
but when so much goes wrong with customer services as in my case, then the worm must be very deep! TOO BAD!
further #
16.11.2021: as expected, loomsolar did noting! #
for me it is difficult to understand, that with having an issue tracker but not using it, it still should be possible becoming an #1 company?
maybe the competitors should turn off theire trackers? :)
fun aside! bye bye loomsolar. TOO BAD! all the best!
1.1.23: hahahaha, loomsolar learns nothing! #
after more then a year not hearing something from loomsolar, it seems someone there had the idea of doing a marketing-campaign? "we have email-addresses. so let's send emails".
in heavy cadence. 24.12.22 first, 31.12.22 2nd.
but dear loomsolar. if yu handle yur marketing-campaign as yu did manage my case (see above), hmmmm, only waste of time for everybody!
so pls del my contact-infos in yur system. it is nonprofessional and just embarrassing!!!